
Collaboration Of Knowledge Management Paper

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Impact of Business Decisions with the collaboration of Knowledge Management in IT sector
In the current IT industry, Business decisions are the key factor in this global environment to run companies (Martin, 2009). Most of these requires analysis that was done logically of the available information. Based on the few theories, 47% of the business organizations are worsening due to the inappropriate business decisions (Rábová & Hodinka, 2011). Hence Business decisions in the IT companies are to be made in a right path to perform well in this emerging world. Few of the companies were still failing to take the critical business decisions which was already a raised in the past (Hu, Almansoori, Kannan, Azarm, & Wang, 2012). In order to make the effective business decisions without any failure right in the future, there must be a process or system to share and manage the information resources within the organization (Lin, Tsai, & Wu, 2014). This process must reduce the manpower and also improves the corporate efficiency, effectiveness, innovation and customer services (Daniel & Christopher, 2011). This issue can be rectified with the help of Knowledge Management system.
Knowledge Management (KM) is described as a systematic process of sharing, reusing and managing the knowledge only when it is made available and recorded (Jashapara, 2005). This helps an organization to gain insight and understanding for own experience (Remus, 2012). Most of the KM activities

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