
The Impact Of Performance Management On The World's Largest Franchise Chain

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The core concept of this composition is to address, and analyse the issues and benefits that encompass the idea of performance management. Performance management has been selected due to its ever-growing and ever-updating presence amongst the work force and organisational culture. Likewise, performance management is important for the sustainability of an organisation through the monitoring of employee growth, and the findings in this study will assist in clarifying why the organisation as a whole benefits from the use of a policy in performance management. In conjunction with this, McDonalds has been selected due to its ubiquitous, and familiar nature. It will consistently be used as an example to provide a discourse for the evaluations within this study. Founded in 1940, McDonalds is a global restaurant-based organisation that specialises in fast food. It is the world’s largest franchise chain that has a mixed specialisation in both speed of output, yet also consistent quality in all its stores.
This essay will comprehensively analyse and assess relevant HR literature that supports the need for performance management in the context of McDonalds, and further evaluate as to whether it is viable and profitable for an organisation such as McDonalds to implement. By doing this, this essay will propose specific performance management policies for McDonalds, with the assumption that a policy is not currently implemented in the company. After this

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