
The Impact Of Social Media On Our Lives Essay

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In today 's society, there are a multiplicity of tools derived from modern technology which has facilitated the form of communication among individuals. An example of this tool is none other than social network, the most powerful form of communication. Essentially, the world constant evolution over the years has triggered a high demand in modern technology and also changed the way humans interact. Social network, being the most influential weapon of our generation, has a great impact to impact in our lives both positively and negatively. Social network can be described as a computerized network created by society by individuals, companies, government, and many others to share information or interests, and also create ideas. In addition to, it can be used to find long lost family members, online dating, latest fashion trends, and as well as up-to-date news around the world. Social networking has become the fastest and easier form of communication among individuals across the globe. Subsequently, the shift in the social communicative landscape has resulted in the ability to get easy access to any social network account via cell phones, tablets, smart watches, and computers around the world. Today, many different news stations use social media to inform the public masses who necessarily have time to watch television. As a direct result, numerous fake news outlets whom use social networking sites such as Facebook to report fake news based on made up evidence. We are in the era

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