
The Importance Of Concealed Carry Handguns

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Concealed Carry Handguns Carrying a concealed handgun in public is permitted in all 50 states as of 2013, when Illinois became the last state to enact the concealed carry legislation. The Safe Carry Protection Act of 2014 or the House Bill 60 went into effect in Georgia on July 1st 2014. Its nickname being “guns everywhere bill” specifies where Georgia residents can carry concealed handguns. The included provisions allow Georgia residents that have concealed carry permits to carry their weapons into some bars, churches, school zones, government buildings, and certain parts of airports. The bill won in the house by a vote of 112-58, and in the senate by a 37-18 vote. Governor Deal Stated "The Second Amendment should never be an afterthought. …show more content…

The categories are no-issue, may-issue, shall-issue, and unrestricted carry. No-issue is the only category that does not allow concealed carry. May-issue grants concealed carry permits at the discretion of local authorities. Shall-issue is where the police issues concealed carry permits based upon minimum requirements such as minimum age, no prior felony conviction, and no recent commitments to a mental institution. In the unrestricted carry category no permit is required to carry a concealed handgun. Out of all 50 states in the United States of America, 41 of them fall into the regulated category of shall-issue, and the other 9 are under the may-issue category. Concealed carry without a permit is allowed in Montana and Arkansas, but there are regulations in some places that do not allow it. Vermont is the only state that does not issue concealed carry permits, although it is legal to carry a concealed handgun in the state. In the American territories of American Samoa, and the N. Mariana Islands the right of carrying a concealed, is denied. The District of Columbia, or Washington D.C. falls into the may-issue category, so the local authorities in that area decides if the application applied for concealed carry may be issued to that person, depending on that person's age, prior felony criminal record, and if they have been committed to a mental institution …show more content…

Madigan, December 11th, 2012, it was ruled 2-1 by the federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeals that “the right to bear arms”, that is guaranteed by the Second Amendment, must be interpreted to include a right to have a concealed gun in public, to have it ready for use as self defense, or for the defense of others. In this case an Illinois law was challenged, this law stated that it is forbidden to carry a gun ready to use (loaded, immediately accessible, uncased), with exceptions for police, security personnel, hunters, members of target shooting clubs, a person on his own property, in his home, in his fixed place of business, or on the property of someone who has permitted him to be there with a ready-to-use gun. Up until this case, in Illinois, only excepted persons could carry an unloaded gun in public, uncased and immediately accessible, unless it is being carried openly outside of a vehicle, with no easily accessible ammunition, in an unincorporated district. This case was dismissed by the district court, after their ruling that the Second Amendment does not permit for self defense outside of your personal property. The 7th circuit court reversed the district court's ruling, but mandated their ruling for 180 days to allow for the legislature to draft new restrictions. The Supreme Court decided that it is just as important to have self defense outside of the home, as it is inside the home, and they determined this based on “the right to bear arms” as

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