
The Importance Of Csr And Its Reputation As A Leader Of Corporate Responsibility

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Despite being costly to businesses from one end, these businesses understand the risk that lack of CSR can have especially in damaging their reputation. The negative image associated with the company will result in boycotting their products or lack of appeal in them which hurt businesses. In order to effectively manage CSR, businesses have realized that the traditional tools are failing in the delivery of goals and new tools have been devised for the same. According to Auld, Bernstein and Cashore (2008), companies stand to gain from CSR though they at liberty to use either defensive or offensive approaches. In this case, a business can use CSR to gain competitive advantage or avoid disadvantages associated with the same. Some of the advantages include: Positive Corporate Image: As mentioned above, Nestle is recognized for its reputation as a leader in corporate responsibility. This recognition has gone a long way in polishing its image in global standards which has resulted in a positive brand. Business image is significant to any business in terms of securing positive relationships with stakeholders who associate the brand with sustainability. As a result, any negative publicity is easy to wade off and remaking troubled segments becomes easy. Competitive Advantage: the positive brand image and transparency that comes with CSR plays a significant role in pushing a business’ stakes in the market. The transparency created as a result of better engagement with stakeholders is

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