
The Importance Of Planned Parenthood Education

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Finding out you are pregnant as a teenager can be shocking and you may not know where to begin to look for help. First, realize that you are not alone. In fact, according to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "In 2011, a total of 329,797 babies were born to women aged 15-19 years, this is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group." Though the 2011 statistics may be a record low, it is still a high number. This is often a stressful situation for the teenagers and it can be hard not knowing what to do or where to search for resources. There are many resources that will give pregnant teenagers and their parents guidance through the difficult journey of teenage pregnancy and parenthood. One of the many resources available to the teens is the Adolescent Family Life Program that addresses the social, health, educational, and economic consequences of adolescent pregnancy by providing comprehensive case management services to pregnant and parenting teens and their children. The AFLP emphasizes promotion of positive youth development, focusing on and building upon the adolescents’ strengths and resources to work toward improving the health of the pregnant and parenting teen, thus supporting the health of the baby. They …show more content…

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention of unintended pregnancy through contraception, providing Pap test, breast exams, testing and treating sexually transmitted diseases. You have many decisions to figure out while you are pregnant. This is the time to understand everything you need to know about being a teenage mother. It is not an easy journey by any means, but it is time to be mature and accept this large responsibility of parenthood. Rely on the wide variety of available resources to get the information you need to help you along your

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