
The Importance Of Sex Education

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In America Sex Education is put on the back burner when it comes to education, which is causing a rise in teen pregnancy rates and STI/HIV rates in the United states. “A lot of the Sex Education in our country is based on fear and putting Sex and Sexuality as something that is not normal.”(Heather) Sex Education in America is very important to teach the youth; with help from teachers and parents can make the youth more aware about proper sex education and how to have safe sex, and learn healthy relationship normality's.
There is a lot of controversy over teaching comprehensive sex education among people, some people believe that teaching comprehensive sex education causes rates of teen pregnancy and STI/HIV rates to go up. Just like we keep up with teaching the youth Math and Science we also need to keep them up to date on issues like Sex Education. This is important so the youth can be aware of these things like STIs and HIV when they are adults and know how to protect themselves, and possibly others .“There is no evidence that teaching kids to use condoms causes a spike in sexual activity”(D). In past surveys ninety percent of Americans over the age of eighteen felt sex education was very important to include in public school curriculum.Comprehensive Sex education has been proven statistically to be better than teaching abstinence only education. The population council declared that Abstinence only programs are ineffective at preventing teen pregnancy and STI’s. School

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