
The Importance Of Staff Education On Fall Prevention

Decent Essays

The Importance of Staff Education in Fall Prevention
Problem Identification
A patient fall is one of the unit-based nursing-sensitive indicators in 6 East, a 22-bed adult unit in a 594-bed tertiary hospital in downtown Charleston, SC. The majority of the patients’ population in this unit is pre and post liver transplant, renal transplant, pancreas transplant, nephrology, urology, and general medicine. The fall rates in 6 East were 6.09 total falls per 1,000 patient days during the 1st quarter of 2015 and 7.56 on the 2nd quarter. These statistics were tremendously beyond the 3.28 total falls per 1,000 patient days of the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) benchmark of hospitals of > 500 beds. The significant fall rates in the unit accounted about 35% of the total falls on the hospital during the first half of the year. Although the hospital has a fall prevention program and policy, there is a knowledge gap among nurses and patient care technicians (PCT) regarding fall prevention due to lack of proper education reinforcement. This has led to an increase of staff non-compliance with the policy and fall rates in the unit. Furthermore, with the unit having high staff turnover rates, the newly hired staff members are not getting a proper staff education on fall prevention. Therefore, these newly hired staff members are unable to implement the fall prevention strategies and procedures efficiently.
Rationale for Change, Quality Improvement, or Innovation

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