
The Keystone Xl Pipeline And Its Impacts On Gas And Energy Prices Essay

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Small introduction…. for these reasons debate continues over the pipeline and deserves serious consideration of the review of these four questions:
1. Why has the Keystone XL Pipeline remained so controversial politically?
2. Will the Keystone XL Pipeline bring economic stimulus and jobs?
3. Will the Keystone XL Pipeline have measurable impacts on gas and energy prices?
4. Will the Keystone XL Pipeline undercut the United States efforts to be a leader in climate change and environmental initiatives?
These questions will aid in the understanding of what the KXLP is, determining why it is so controversial, why it is important, will the pipeline bring jobs, will the pipeline have measurable impacts on energy prices, will the pipeline aid or hurt the United States efforts in climate change and environmental initiatives.
Why has the Keystone XL Pipeline Remained so Controversial Politically? The KXLP has remained controversial in the United States for a number of reasons. These reasons include economic, environmental, political and ethical. The issues surrounding the KXLP continue to shape the outcome of this proposed pipeline. It is clear that the national attention in the United States and Canada, in regard to the KXLP has caused many to speak out in favor and against the pipeline. Although the issues with the pipeline have not been finalized, it is in fact apparent that the KXLP will shape the Midstream industry in the United States and Canada.

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