
The Legalization and Physical Affects of Marijuana Essay

Decent Essays

The legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing battle for many years. Marijuana is an addictive drug that is made of the leaves for the plant Cannabis. Common ways to induce the drug are by smoking the plant from either a water pipe or a joint which is much like a cigarette. It can also be brewed as tea or mixed into food. Supporter of making marijuana legal often argue that it isn’t nearly as harmful as alcohol or nicotine. However, when taking a closer look at marijuana and thinking about the future, marijuana legalization is not the best idea. After all the time and effort law enforcement put into keeping drugs at bay, activists selfishly expect them just to give all that up and make marijuana easy to access. Most activists …show more content…

Driving experiments show that marijuana affects many skills needed to drive safely. When high drivers have difficult staying in their lane through curves and to maintain speed and distance between cars. These affects last for at least four to six hours after smoking just one joint, even after the high feeling is gone. If uses were to combine alcohol and marijuana the risk to be involved in an accident more than triples. Marijuana affects the brain significantly. The prefrontal cortex, which helps make decision and understand consequences, is affected because marijuana alters blood flow to your brain which impairs judgment. In the cerebral cortex pot messes with perception, judgment and problem solving, causing users to do things they normally wouldn't. Pot affects the limbic system, which is the emotional center of the brain. The limbic system is the most influenced by marijuana because the THC in marijuana links to cannabinoid receptors creating a memory of the drug that can lead to addiction. Lastly marijuana affects the cerebellum which controls physical coordination. The THC in marijuana interferes with signals being sent to the cerebellum making movements difficult to perform. As if the affects of marijuana on the body and mind couldn't get any worse, users of marijuana have higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, and infertility. The rates are even higher for users that

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