
The Logistic Regression Model Was Used For Determine Fall Rates During A Hospitalization Essay

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The logistic regression model was used to determine fall rates during a hospitalization. The p value in all variables was greater than 0.05, during the SNRI implementation vs. the baseline (p=0.09), the SNRI post-implementation vs. the baseline (p=.38) and the SNRI post-implementation vs. the implementation (p=0.32) and fall risk average (p=.51) (Tucker, et al., 2012). To determine the fall rate per 1,000 hospital days the poisson regression model was used. The p value in all variables was greater than 0.05, during the SNRI implementation vs. the baseline (p=0.07), the SNRI post-implementation vs. the baseline (p=.51) and the SNRI post-implementation vs. the implementation (p=0.19) and fall risk average (p=.53) (Tucker, et al., 2012). Based on the results of the statistical analysis, there is no clinical significance of adapting and translating SNRI into clinical practice to reduce the risk and incident of patient falls. All three hypothesis were not supported through the results of this study. While there was some change noted with the first hypothesis, it is not significant to support a change to clinical practice. A type II statistical error occurred in this instance because the study stated that there was significance with hypothesis one. Fourteen staff nurses participated in the focus group. The results of the focus group revealed a lack of clarity related to the intent of the study, documentation was an added burden, some felt it was a punitive measure for something

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