
The Machiavellian Approach to Management Essay

Decent Essays

The Machiavellian Approach to Management

Whether you love him/her or hate him/her everybody has one…a boss. Most people have their own opinions as to what kind of boss it is that they would like to work for. Most would probably agree that the worst kind of boss is a new boss. This is more than likely due to people’s extraordinary fear of change and the unknown. Whatever the reason, the employee always has the option to leave their position and seek work elsewhere. The same can not be said for subjects of states, who by no action of their own, were to be ruled by a new prince. Just as varied as the ways in which one “inherits” a new boss, likewise new principalities have an abundance of ways of being acquired. Niccolo …show more content…

Adding fuel to an already explosive situation, by making changes to company policy should be avoided at all costs. However, as Machiavelli suggests that a boss “by birth [has] less need to harm his[/her]” employees, thus putting some of the fears towards the new boss to rest (8).
When a principality is acquired through an acquisition of a non-hostile nature, it is the prince who may have fears. The prince of a “mixed principality” faces more difficulties than those of a hereditary principality. Machiavelli suggests that these “difficulties derive from one natural problem inherent in all new principalities: men gladly change their masters, thinking to better themselves” (8). Additionally, the new prince is, out of necessity, going to offend his new subjects by bringing in “his soldiers and [causing] other countless injuries that are involved in his new conquest” (8). These same problems will face the management of a newly acquired business. Those employees that are retained will automatically look to better their current position by less than honest means. Those “left over” from the old regime may be inclined to steal from the company out of fear that they may soon be replaced. Thus, endangering the already financially unstable situation that an acquisition puts a company in. Therefore, measures must be taken to ensure that the state/company not be lost due to an uprising by the

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