
The Main Causes And Effects On The Arab Spring

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Discuss the key causes and effects 2011 Arabic spring In late 2010, a tidal wave of uprisings and protests in various parts of the Arab world emerged. It began with the Tunisian revolution when the martyr Mahmoud Bouazizi set fire to himself as a result of the deteriorating economic and social. This led to protests and demonstrations that ended with the fall of the ruling regime. In Tunisia which sparked the beginning of revolutions in many Arab countries, this is known as an Arab Spring. The question remains what are the real reasons that led to the Arab Spring and its effects? the causes of the Arabic spring May be varied, depending on the places, however the reasons can be a corruption in economic policies and demand social justice as the key motives and protests in the Arab world. This essay will discuss the most important reasons, and the effects of what is known as the Arab Spring. Civil, economic and social human rights violations were the main reasons behind the outbreak of popular revolutions in the Arab countries. According to Robbins and Jamal (2015) “The protests associated with the Arab Spring largely centered on issues related to social justice. Demonstrators called for economic, political and human rights, including governments that held to account those who violated these principles.” The people of the Arab Spring were disappointed and frustrated by the social suffering and economic lies. The poor governance, and the monopoly of a wealthy group of

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