
The Media And Their Influence On Teens

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Celebrities, the Media, and their Influence on Teens The media and celebrities have an influence on teens and their self-esteem that cause them to undergo breast augmentation. Because of celebrities and the media, there are many reasons why a teenager might want to have this specific procedure done. Teens may undergo breast augmentation because they look up to celebrities, their classmates may tease them, and it is done so much that it is becoming the norm. Celebrities and the media are a big influence on the younger population. Teens look up to celebrities and follow what they see in the media. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian family who have had multiple procedures done, makes young teens who look up to them believe that is it okay. At this point, the public figures don’t even have to admit they had anything done because it is clear from the before and after pictures that the media constantly releases informing everyone. Some young teens that look up to these celebrities would do anything they could to have the same shape that attracts so much attention. In this day and age a lot of celebrities are more open to the plastic surgeries that they have had. I noticed that breast augmentations are the most popular. Celebrities often show off their assets whether it’s real or fake to get attention because the more attention they get the more money they could possibly make. The media also showcases what it said to be the perfect body. A small waist, big butt, big

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