
The Models : Teaching Skills And Specific Populations

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Psychoeducational Models: Teaching Skills to Specific Populations
Psychoeducational therapy is a skill taught, educational style of treatment. With its unpretentious and direct thought process, it is easy to comprehend the concept of how and why it works. This is a relatively new style approach of family therapy, compared to the established schools like psychodynamic, transgenerational, experiential, structural, strategic, and behavioral and cognitive-behavioral models. I selected this therapy because it is straight forward like me. The subjects that will be discussed within this paper comprise of its history, families dealing with mental disorders, medical family therapy, short-term educational programs, and a brief summary. …show more content…

Therefore, this therapy can be used to help families with schizophrenic members, violent temperaments, uncontrolled substance or alcohol abuse, chronic problems (that affect all members), and those who want to improve relationship skills. Its goal is to build a supportive collaboration between counselor and the family and teaches skill-building techniques to help families gain control over their circumstances. Strength and resiliency are taught to families dealing with chronic problems (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p.415). Psychoeducation does follow some of the techniques used by traditional treatments, such as cooperating with the family, acquiring the trust of its members, remaining unbiased, and figuring out the best methods to have positive conclusions. In summary, the program helps families learn problem-solving approaches that will help them have prosperous marital or parent-child relationships (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p.416).
History of Psychoeducation
The history of psychoeducation is not specific to just one person, but a compilation of many. John Donley first wrote about the concept of psychotherapy and re-education in 1911 in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Psychoeducation, 2014). In 1941, Brian Tomlinson initially introduced the word psychoeducation to the medical community in his novel titled The Psychoeducational Clinic. The term was further introduced to society in 1980 by C.M. Anderson when she wrote about

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