
Structural Family Therapy : An Evidence Based Therapy

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Structural family therapy is associated with the work of Salvador Minuchin and is an evidence based therapy influenced by brief strategic and eco-systemic structural family therapy (Gerhart, 2014). Structural family therapists are active in the counseling sessions and will want to have all of the members of the family participate in the counseling sessions. The therapist is then able to map family structures in order to resolve relation problems between family members. The therapist will then make assessments and set goals to restructure the family interactions while focusing on family strengths. The basic concepts of this type of therapy are boundaries, subsystems, complementary and alignments which are easily applied and grasped. The most important aspect the therapist must keep in perspective is that every family is made up of structure and that these structures are seen only when the members of the family interact. If the therapist does not consider the entire structure of the family and intervene in only one of the many subsystems are most likely not to attain a lasting change.
For instance, the case of an over involvement of a mother with her son, is a structure which excludes the father. The therapy that excludes the fathers’ involvement and focuses solely on the mother and son will not succeed in the desired change for the family.
Subsystems are family units that are based on function. If the family leadership is taken over by a daughter and father, then the two

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