
Recurrent Themes Of Structural Family Therapy

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Recurrent Themes A common issue to be brought up during the sessions will be Frank’s abandonment along with his alcohol and drug use, inability to care for others, and all-around selfishness. Frank will experience blame from Fiona and the rest of the family. Fiona’s newfound guardianship of her siblings, and role confusion will be identified and obvious during the counseling sessions. Debbie’s pregnancy will also be brought into the session often, as it was what brought the family to counseling. Debbie will present as silent and unwilling to come to a solution. A common theme of the sessions and counseling may be lack of trust in Frank by Fiona and Debbie. Depending on the result of Debbie’s pregnancy decisions, there may be continuing arguments, disapproval, and triangulation occurring in the subsequent sessions.
Problem Statement
The Gallagher family’s interactional patterns influence the member’s reactions and symptoms to certain events. Therefore, there must be a change in the family structure before individual symptoms are dealt with (Gladding, 2015). Due to the shift in power with Frank coming into the family, the Gallagher family needs to reestablish boundaries that include Frank to help re-stabilize the family structure.
Clinical Formulation
Structural Family Therapy Structural Family Therapy (SFT) was invented by Salvador Minuchin while working with lower-socioeconomic-level Black families (Gladding, 2015). A main premise of the theory is that “an individual’s

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