
The Movie Get Out Racism

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In the last year, race has come to the forefront of most political discussions: Relations between police officers and African-American groups have intensified and grown tragically violent, a demonstrably racist commander-in-chief has been voted into the White House, Black Lives Matter continues to call for awareness, and talk of diversity seems painfully urgent everywhere you look. When Jordan Peele was writing his “Get Out” screenplay prior to 2015, he could not have known what was coming; and even though recent headlines may bring the conversation into the media spotlight, it’s important to note that these are not new conversations. The movie “Get Out” is an outstanding Thriller of very incisive social commentary about racism and race relations.
Unlike most horror movies the protagonist in Get Out isn't absolutely clueless to what is happening to him. Jordan Peele makes Chris aware of the subtle racist and strange happenings that he experiences at his girlfriend Rose's parent’s house with the purpose of conveying a message to the viewers: they shouldn't ignore racism around them but instead acknowledge it's a real problem and fight against it.

There are many aspects of the movie which have been carefully crafted to symbolize different issues about race relations. First off Rose's mother, Missy, uses a teacup and a silver spoon to hypnotize Chris. A silver spoon as a figure of speech aims to describe a privilege that is passed down through generations, which applies to the

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