
New Deal Speech

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Good afternoon America. Our countries economy is in a tough spot and needs our help. If we work together as a nation we will come out strong with a fixed and better economy than ever before. Miles and miles of farmland being over plowed have left deserts in our great plains. The dusty sand from the ground comes in dark clouds and pours into houses, making it hard to breathe. The cities aren't doing well either, hoboes flood the streets hungry and unemployed. Shantytowns continue to pop up all around housing starving children. Lines of starving citizens flow through the city streets out side of soup kitchens. I am here today to inform you all of my plan of action to pull us out from this recession. I have created what I call the New Deal, and I greatly hope you all will support these plans so as a nation we can all work together. This New Deal will provide jobs, give the direct relief people need, fix our banks and stock markets, and improve working conditions for all laborer There is not one simple event that led to these hard times, many different factors have contributed to the economy's decline. Buying on credit is leaving people in debt and unable to buy new goods, weakening the boom industries. The end of the war had decreased demand for many large industries as well. As these industries have …show more content…

(Insert stat). Within my New Deal, I plan to make a priority of helping those in need of both jobs and direct relief. Many people are left jobless with no options to turn to for work. For this reason, I have created the Works Progress Administration. This program will send 8 million men to work on an assortment of projects such as airports, roads, and public buildings. Not only will this administration provide work to men, but women as well. Women are provided equally as important options, such as sewing clothes for the needy, not only providing themselves with an income but helping their fellow

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