
The, New Jersey, York Jersey And Asbury Park

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A mural is more than just a painting on the wall. Murals bring together a sense of community and make the city a more welcoming place. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word mural means a painting or other work of art that is directly executed on to a wall. In many aspects, murals originated from graffiti, which comes from the Latin word graffio, meaning scratching or scribbling. Mural Arts programs are popping up in cities across the nation. However, I decided to focus on two cities that were closer to home for me. I focused my research on Newark and Asbury Park, New Jersey, in comparison to Philadelphia, PA. All of which, are cities that are not the nicest, but with the help of murals are becoming more welcoming places.
Newark, New Jersey, is the home to 100’s of murals lining the streets. Travelling up route 21 along the Amtrak train-station resides over one mile of hand painted murals, the second longest mural in the country. This mural is known as The “Portraits” Mural. It was painted by 17 different artists and depicts multiple styles and images that are meant to reflect the culture of Newark. Newark is also home to the “City Without Walls” project. Mayor Ras Baraka stated, “Portraits’ celebrates the uniqueness and oneness of our city” (Mazzola). In addition, it is stated that the murals honor the history, cultural intersections and narratives of every day life within the city of Newark. ‘Portraits’ was painted as part of the Gateway effort. The

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