
The Novel ' The Handmaid 's Tale '

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The effect of words, powerless and innocent as they are, depending on the one who combines them can have good and evil outcomes. In the hands of Margaret Atwood, she used her knowledge and different interpretation of words in her dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale in a very indirect and devious way making her novel a treasure hunt in search of these key words for the understanding of the novel. The novel takes place in Gilead, a very dark future of the United States, governed by a theocratic government which oppresses women by making them “handmaids” in the name of religion to cure the infertility of the population. The double entendre diction which exists throughout the whole novel adds subliminal hints on the charactarisation of the characters, such as Offred, and to the story itself, such as the religious political system that governs Gilead, which is a double entendre in itself. These different plays on diction proves the oppression of our main character and proves how powerful language can be. The main character of this novel, Offred, proves to be very analytical in her thoughts in various instances in the novel but the reader can’t understand the complete meaning of this. For example, when Offred was talking about her daily routine after getting up from bed and sitting “in the chair and think about the word char. It can also mean the leader of a meeting. It can also mean a mode of execution. It is the first syllable in chanty. It is the French world for flesh. None of

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