
The On Conscious Capitalism By John Mackey And Raj Sisodia

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“Those of us alive today can choose to lead the most meaningful lives humans have ever led” is a famous quote from Lynne Twist. Today, our world and economy is thriving like never before. We live in a society that has incredible opportunities to change the world for the better. With the advancement in technology, knowledge, and resources, our economy in a place it has never seen before. According to Doug Levy’s presentation on Conscious Capitalism, Capitalism has been the major factor in ending poverty in our world. If current trends continue at the rate they do today, extreme poverty will be nearly eliminated over the next few decades. In the texts Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, The Art of Servant Leadership by Tony Baron, and the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility presented by Ed Ahnert, there is a co-existing relationship leading to successful business ethics however, these individual practices are particularly vital for the foundation of a company’s business model and the business operating philosophy.
While each business has a unique culture, environment, and business structure leading to the success of the company, there is always an ethical way of conducting business. We live in a domain where change is the only constant; new businesses are being created, businesses are expanding, growing in monetary value and stakeholder integration, and currently lead the success of a thriving economy. The businesses that stand apart from competitors

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