
The Perseverance of The Cuban Swimmer

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The Perseverance of The Cuban Swimmer Having a coach will help your persevere life’s most difficult challenges. The inspiring theme of The Cuban Swimmer is the perseverance of Margarita Suarez as she swims from San Pedro to Catalina island. The source of her perseverance comes from her father, Eduardo. Margarita’s inspirational source is a integral part of the play, without it she wouldn’t have won the race and the play would have been undeniably hopeless. If it hadn’t had been for her perseverance she wouldn’t have overcome the challenge she faced during the turning point of the play. Having a coach in life will positively influence your character and your skills. Also, having a coach doesn’t necessarily mean that your playing on a field. A coach can be anyone from a role model to a parent or guardian, a teacher, a pastor, a mentor, or sometimes even a best friend. One of the most important things for a coach to have is influence, and more important than that is that the influence he has on his players must be positive. As a leader, a coaches job is to better his players on and off of the field. This is done by developing the character of his players through encouragement and helping them understand that the game is more than just about winning. A good coach will always put the needs of his players first before he considers himself as a factor. If a coach is successful his players will develop a strong sense of self-motivation. This helps by allowing the player to

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