
Essay about The Plot of Frankenstein

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Plot of the novel Victor hides from the creature in a remote part of the world which is below 0°C and was found by a group of crusaders seeking to destroy the monster.

Part 1 – Lesson 1

Life and times of Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley was born on 30th August 1797, Somers Town, in London. Her parents were called William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. She had a depressing childhood because her mother died when she was 10 days old and was raised by her father and much resented step-mother. When Mary is sixteen, she meets a young poet called Percy Bysshe Shelley (future husband). For several times, they ran away to Continental Europe along with her step-sister. Shelley was already married when they ran away.

Later on, in …show more content…

Plot of the novel

Victor hides from the creature in a remote part of the world which is below 0°C and was found by a group of crusaders seeking to destroy the monster. Victor then tells of his story to them to prove that he is dangerous and should not be approached and how he spent his life devoting himself to create the creature. ‘Frankenstein’ is about a philosopher called Victor Frankenstein who studied Medical Science in
Ingolstadt. He wanted to create a human being from dead body parts and organs. His aim was mainly to create someone that could help cure diseases that were roaming around at that time and to be a tester in testing the antidotes to see if they will cure the disease. However,
Victor’s dream shatters when he creates the creature because it turned out to be what he hadn’t expected…an ugly, vile, and unique creature.
Later on, Victor abandons the creature thinking it was dead. The creature is left with a journal about his master and how he attempted to create him. The creature then tries to seek his master but murders people because they are all afraid of him. He is forced to hide just in case the people try to destroy him. In the middle of the story the creature learns how to interact with humans thus he is a human himself. He learns about feelings towards others and why they sorrow.
He also learns how to care for people. He meets a small family in a

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