
The Prevalence Of Overweight / Obesity

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Both researchers studied the incidence of overweight/obesity in African-American children. One related it to the low socioeconomic status of the caregivers (SEP) and this study/research was conducted in Pitt County, North Carolina. The other research, four childhood obesity perceptions among African-American caregivers in a rural area Georgia community relates overweight/obesity on the parents’ level of education, income, eating habits and lack of physical activities compared to calorie intake, rural areas lack parks, sidewalks, and other recreational facilities.
The environment targeted were African Americans living in rural areas, their neighborhood schools and type of stores …show more content…

At least 155 million children were grouped as overweight or obese worldwide in 2007 (Alexander, Alfonso, Hansen 2014). The vast number of overweight or obese children live in developing countries, and the increase has been 30 percent higher than that of developed countries (Alexander, Alfonso, & Hansen, 2014). By 2025, the amount of obese or overweight infants and young children will increase to approximately 70 million (Alexander, Alfonso, & Hansen, 2014).
The increase in overweight in the United States has disproportionately affected African-Americans, compared to other ethnic groups. It has been estimated that “45 percent of the non-Hispanic black population is obese compared to 30 percent of non-Hispanic whites” (Bennett, Wolin & James, 2007). Members of low socioeconomic groups, especially African-American, Hispanics and American Indians are unreasonably affected (Wang 2010).
Obesity has both physical, mental and social effects on children. Obese children are likely to stay overweight into adulthood. Health complications of overweight/obesity include type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and cancer. Obese children and adolescents also suffer from psychological impacts such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and social stigma. This psychological issue affects the quality of life for children and adolescents. Ethnicity is a risk factor for childhood obesity, and many mediating mechanisms

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