
The Problem with Current American History School Books Essay

Decent Essays

Textbooks today should have more of what was in texts centuries ago. I feel Fitzgerald’s analysis on American history is correct; they don’t have nearly as much useful information as they did in the past. Children should know the importance of World War II, the Revolutionary War and why the Berlin wall came down. Children should have current events on what’s going on in American today, and know the importance and discuss the significance of each of them. There are so many acts of sacrifice, heroism, compassion and courage, unity and fierce determination. These examples are particularly important to our children. I feel as though children reflect the values they see in their parents, and in their heroes. In most recent years our …show more content…

We re-enacted The Mayflower, had a Thanksgiving feast with all of the children and I was one of the many turkeys who got shot that day. I dressed up in a black trash bag, made feathers out of construction paper and decorated the trash bag to make it extremely colorful. I feel that The Mayflower has a famous place in American history as a symbol of early

European colonization of the future United States, and shouldn’t be left out of textbooks or the school’s curriculum. Back then I thought that is was irrelevant, and wanted to know why I had to be a turkey, now I know the significance of the entire play.

There are so many in this world that simply does not adhere to the ideals we believe in, maybe that is why they feel what’s in the textbooks today are useful information. The author’s of the textbooks should think back to when they were growing up, what they remembered and be sure to include it in the textbooks. There are so many significant events that have happened within the past ten years. History is important for our children to understand, to give them a better sense of how to understand what we do and a sense of what it means to be an American; a sense of importance and serving something greater than yourself in life. One of the most defining moments of recent American history was Flight 93. Flight 93 is an amazing lesson and should be in textbooks for many years to come. The people on that plane loved

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