
Negotiation Process Essay

Decent Essays

The process of negotiation is very simple.Negotiation follows a four step path including: • Preparation • Information Exchange • Bargaining • Commitment It is a kind of universal change that takes place over four stages of steps and for better and best results, both partners must be very well versed with this change. The initial step that starts negotiation is preparation where you prepare yourself for negotiation considering the issues and goals that you want to attain at the end of the negotiation process. Information exchange is the phase where both the parties get together to share and understand the concept of negotiating and then they decide what all issues and goals are to be discussed. After assuring the issues they put forward the point of their concern to the other party. Bargaining: After putting all the concerned points together in front the parties settle for a mid way settlement that is normally known as bargaining. It is a process that gives a win win situation to both the parties as they settle for a particular goal. Commitment: it is that form of the negotiation where both parties promise each other to provide them with what they have settled for. This is the last process of negotiation and it leads to the end. Let us now examine the process of negotiation in detail and give stress on every aspect related to it. Understanding each phase in detail Preparation: This is one of the most important factors that need to be considered while negotiating.

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