
The Process of an Internal Combustion Engine

Decent Essays

Matt Bagley
English 110
Process Essay

Process of a 4-stroke Internal Combustion Engine

A common phrase that is heard whilst growing up is "curiosity killed the cat". This phrase might be true but; "ingenuity brought the cat back". Having a mindset in which giving up is never an option has plagued most inventors of the modern day, especially a high school drop out named Nikolaus August Otto, born in 1832. Otto was responsible for the development and improvement of the 4-stroke motor that is used today in just about every automobile on the road. Many people drive cars but fail to realize how they work, and don 't try to learn about engines because they think it is complex, and not an easy concept to grasp. Air, fuel, spark, and …show more content…

All of this pressure against the piston forces it down in the cylinder. The power impulse is transmitted down through the piston, through the piston rod (connecting rod), and to the crankshaft. The crankshaft is rotated due to the force.

• As the piston reaches the bottom of its travel, the exhaust valve opens. Now, as the piston moves up on the exhaust stroke, it forces the burned gases out of the cylinder through the exhaust port. When the piston reaches the top of its travel, the exhaust valve closes, and the intake valve opens. The cycle repeats again with the intake stroke. The four strokes are continuously repeated during the operation of the engine

This total process takes less than half a second to complete, and enables vehicles to get to their destination. Reading this paper does not qualify the reader as a mechanic, but should give the person reading a better appreciation for the vehicle. It is always good to know the basics of a car so if the car ends up in need of repair, the owner can have some information and basic diagnosis. With the knowledge gained from this paper, a basic understanding should be gained on the process of an Internal Combustion

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