
The Profound Genius Doctor Has My Vote Essay

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“The Profound Genius Doctor Has My Vote” In a little over one year the people of the United States will elect a new president into office. There are over twenty candidates currently campaigning for the position. Hilary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and Dr. Ben Carson are four I have mainly heard mentioned. Making a decision on who I would want in office has actually not been that difficult. I first narrowed it down between Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump. These two candidates are similar in ways but also very different. I personally believe that Dr. Ben Carson is a profound genius. Donald Trump is an intelligent man, but is nothing compared to Dr. Ben Carson. When it comes to speaking the mind Donald Trump gives no filter. Dr. Carson speaks his mind also but does it in a more intelligent meaningful softer way. There are three things that concern me when deciding on who the next president should be. Health care, abortion, and religion are three issues I believe need to be addressed when running for president. After much research on both Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump, I was able to make the decision that I believe Dr. Carson is exactly what the United States needs as the next …show more content…

Being a pediatric neurosurgeon and working hard to save the lives of children every day, a person must be pro-life. Dr. Ben Carson has such a strong love and care for children around the world, he has given many a second chance at life by giving hope where hope had been lost. He is a well-known retired surgeon at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. For years Dr. Carson performed many lifesaving surgeries on children and young adults (Gifted Hands). Having the experience he has and knowing the facts he knows about children, babies, and their brains, I believe he is the one we need in office that would eventually put a stop to

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