
Hillary Clinton Should End Crime

Decent Essays

The candidates that I chose are Ben Carson and Hillary Clinton. The reason why I chose Hillary Clinton because I believe she will able to help people who are in school trying to get their education so students do not have borrow money to pay for their tuition to get books and fees to attend a two year or four year college.I would like to learn is she willing to help those that are needed of an education and to see a brighter future for themselves. I believe she will be able to help people who are struggling with health care. I like her ideas and I want to see if she planning to start a health care program for those that need it. I believe Hillary Clinton will end crime because our crime is terrible when people start stealing something from the inside of others house or off their property, people killing innocent people and babies and childrens that are being kidnapped by strangers. I hope Hillary Clinton is able to stop this because at this rate anything can happen. I want to see if she able to end this crime before it get out of control. The reason why I chose Ben Carson because I believe he will support every students that attend school to realize their full potential. I want to see if Ben Carson can help students to attend school to a degree and have a brighter future and to be successful in life. I hope that Ben Carson is able to help people that are not able to get health care or afford it. I want to know if he capable of making a decision of helping patients by

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