
The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Cigarettes

Decent Essays

Eren Erden
English 1301-302
Mrs. Kovar
The pros and cons of electronic cigarettes
According to Fairchild et al. (2004), even though the concept of “safer” cigarettes received support from federal and voluntary institutions in the 1980s, there have been contrasting ideas about this topic especially between physicians and public health professionals today. The advent of electronic cigarettes has therefore elicited varied reactions among major players both in the health sector and cigarette manufacturing industry. Electronic cigarettes are basically battery-operated devices that simulate traditional tobacco cigarettes and are designed in such a way that they transmit a nicotine vapor that is usually inhaled (Novack para 2). …show more content…

According to FDA, conclusive tests carried out on samples from two popular brands revealed that there were significant amounts of nicotine and toxic chemicals that might pose a threat to the health of passionate consumers. In fact one of the substances discovered in the test was a carcinogen (cancer causing agent). Following these epic revelations, the FDA issued a statement warning consumers about the likelihood of experiencing health risks after using the product. Therefore in light of this, many pundits in the health fraternity have raised the red flag on the use of e-cigarettes to counter smoking. Here, it is important to note that FDA only regulates e-cigarettes that are sold for therapeutic purposes …show more content…

University College London researchers are of the view that it could actually save lives . The director of Forest (an agency that helps people with smoking problems) supported the use of e-cigarettes claiming that at least people now have a choice of what to smoke. Electronic cigarettes have given people the benefit of smoking without being exposed to harmful toxic second-hand smoke. Compared to other hyped products labeled smoking cessation including pills that turn out to be ineffective, electronic cigarettes have actually proved to work in helping chain smokers manage the risky indulgence. In addition to the above, smokers now have the benefit of choosing their favorite flavors, an option that was previously not available with conventional cigarettes. The other upside that some scholars have put forward in favor of the technology is that unlike traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes are virtually not a fire hazard. Cases of fires arising from carelessly disposed cigarette butts have dramatically reduced in regions where electronic cigarettes have caught on. Other proponents of electronic cigarettes have indicated that unlike traditional cigarettes, the device can be used in many places without affecting the comfort

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