
Pros And Cons Of E-Cigarettes

Decent Essays

A Dangerous Piece of Tool

Is e-cigarettes less harmful as smoking? Over the last year the use of electronic cigarettes grew exponentially. More and more people are using them either to help reduce smoking or to get around smoking restrictions. In addition, there is some research that states that e-cigarettes are more addicted, has health risk problems, and some need more scientific test and research of e-cigarettes causing cancer or if it helps to quit smoking.

To begin with, E-cigarettes look high tech,so it's easy to believe the hype that they are safe, unfortunately they are not.”E-cigarettes are just another way of putting nicotine into your body. Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered smoking devices often designed to look and feel like regular cigarettes. They use cartridges filled with a liquid that contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. A heating device in the e-cigarette converts the liquid into a vapor, which the person inhales. That's why using e-cigarettes are known as "vaping”. Because e-cigarettes don't burn tobacco, people don't inhale the same amounts of tar and carbon monoxide …show more content…

It should be noted that there are seven FDA-approved quit aids that are proven safe and can be effective when used as directed.E-cigarettes haven't been thoroughly evaluated in scientific studies. For now, not enough data exist on the safety of e-cigarettes, how the health effects compared to traditional cigarettes, and if they are helpful for people trying to quit smoking.” (“Electronic Cigarettes”). People think that electronic cigarettes would help them to quit smoking, because there is no tobacco on them. There still some researchers prove

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