
The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

Decent Essays

The topic of gentrification is one that has a reputation for being quite the folktale when it comes to determining whether or not is a good thing or a bad thing for society. Gentrification is also a hot button topic and many people whether they are on the side that believes it to be good or bad most of the time don’t readily brooch the subject. Various people find themselves conflicted on the matter and others are split evenly between thinking it has a positive or negative influence on society. I argue that gentrification is not all black and white. Indeed, there are many grey areas and so depending on what angle or lens you are observing gentrification from you could see either negative or positive outcomes. I take the stance that while it’s …show more content…

You would be surprised at the number of cities all over the world that experience gentrification, albeit gentrification follows the trend of taking place in urban areas. “Until about 2005, most planners and urban theorists regarded gentrification as a local issue. It was first described by Ruth Glass as a neighborhood-scale process of urban transformation. However, as whole cities and whole counties have become gentrified, the scale of the phenomenon now challenges the original concept (“Gentrification: now global! |”, 2018).” We can see examples of gentrification happening in places all over the globe, for example in places, Sydney, Vancouver, Amsterdam, and Johannesburg just to name a few. Yet as gentrification happens across the globe one thing remains the same there always seems to be an underlying political-economic-social cause of the change. One can begin to recognize this as a stark and undeniable truth when you begin to compare and contract cities miles apart or across the entire globe from each other. Places that you would never even think of being in the juxtaposition of one another. While there is no denying that gentrification has many fruitful gains the questions is who reaps the rewards is it just a select few or does the vast majority benefit? Another concern worth bringing up is the issue of sustainability. How does a …show more content…

For the purposes of my comparison, I am going to focus on two specific areas of Sydney, Ultimo, and Pyrmont. In the article, Economic restructuring and gentrification in the inner city: a case study of Pyrmont Ultimo, “Smith and Williams (1986) argue that gentrification accentuates the divisions between the gentrifying middle class and the traditional inhabitants. (Michael and Alan 2018).” This is a similar issue and voiced concern that is faced by residents of the gentrified areas of Chicago I mentioned previously. The article also hints that the gentrification is a multifaceted process that changes in turn with the ever-evolving economy. One stark difference that I did pick up is that newer residents are not fixated on the eradication of the previous cultural influence that pre-exists within the neighborhood. When cities are gentrified in Chicago they start from scratch and over a period of time everything that once was in that particular area ceases to exist. I do wonder though if that is in direct relation to the upset over the destruction and conversion of the Watkinson Reserve to a construction equipment warehouse of sorts? Overall there are both negative and positive feelings about the gentrification that has taken place in both Ultimo and Pyrmont from residents. However, as with Chicago, the vast majority of the negative feelings and comments comes from the traditional people of the land and from

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