
The Pros And Cons Of Immigration To The United States

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Immigration is necessary in our society because of the benefits it provides, it provides economic growth to the industry, and highly educated immigrants that can also be a key point to our society.
Immigration is the movement of living permanently in a foreign country. Immigration is considered one of the main issues in America, it has created a big controversy to whether send them back to their country, or to keep them here. Immigrants are seen as being criminals, drug dealers, and etc. Although some of those reasons are true, it doesn't mean that all immigrants are considered being that. Most immigrants come to the United States to give their families a better life, and to also escape from persecution.
Immigrants can come from any part of the world, which may …show more content…

Citizens. That at one point of view is correct, but those jobs that they are "supposedly" taking away, our jobs they don't want to do. Immigrants are actually helping the Industry, by bringing profit to this country. Immigration has a lot of negative feedback. Although immigration can be viewed as a bad thing , it can also be viewed as a good thing. Immigration has a big impact to this society. Immigrants bring their culture and their foods, if there wasn't immigrants in the U.S., then the United States wouldn't have the variety of foods. Many United States Citizens love to eat other types of foods. They would most likely get tired of eating the same type of food. Therefore, immigration is needed in the United States. Immigration in my perspective is an incredible way to gain economic growth. It can help the United States in many ways. Immigrants have a positive effect on the United States, it gives them more profit. If there wasn't any immigrants in the United States, then the economy will drop down quickly. Basically the United States depends on immigrants, immigrants are a big factor of this

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