
The Pros And Cons Of National Cyber Defense

Decent Essays

When people hear the words “National Cyber Defense” and “Government Cyber Surveillance”, I’m sure the common image that comes to mind is a room of employees hidden somewhere in the depths of a concrete room, headphones on with little more than the soft hue of computer screens lighting the endless clickity-clack of keys typing out endless lines of code. Somehow, we, as a country, have convinced ourselves that we belong in this exclusive “internet” stronghold, in which we are free from the attacks of various state actors. However, the headlines that have plastered American media for the past months would suggest otherwise. “Clinton Email Server Risked Instructions” reads one. Another, “Feds identify ‘second leaker’ to Snowden Journalists”, graces the front page of many news outlets websites. …show more content…

Our corporations, and even government agencies, continue to demonstrate the variation in defense and mitigation techniques, as we are more or less unsurprised when another company reports an erroneous amount of stolen credit card and banking data. Indeed, our visage of unconditional safety is leaving us vulnerable on the cusp of another internet revolution.

It is no secret that today everything is connected to the internet. The house lights can be turned off or on remotely, the car can dial calls and play spotify, and soon the fridge will be displaying Pinterest recipes and advising users when the eggs are going bad. It is the Internet revolution of the millennial generation - the rise of the “Internet Of Things”. Therefore, security - at both an individual and societal level - is becoming increasingly vital to maintaining the privacy and standard of living which now exists. This is the time where Americans need to educate themselves on exactly what a “firewall” is, or what constitutes or a strong password, or that the Nigerian princes which have millions of dollars in their bank accounts ready for transfer are simply frauds. It’s not just the old or

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