
The Pros And Cons Of Paying College Athletes Be Paid

Decent Essays

A college education is the most valuable education that most only dream of, a dream not made reality due to not being financially fit to pay for college. Instead of paying full tuition, students are able to pay for college with an athletic scholarship. Whether it be a full ride or the scholarship paying part of it students can play sports while their studies are being covered. But a scholarship doesn't cover necessities like living, food, and travel expenses, but the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) overlooks the problem that college athletes face everyday. “The governing body of big-time college sports, the NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association], is caught in a huge contradiction—trying to reconcile a multibillion-dollar industry while claiming it is really an amateur activity. That it is a huge money making industry is beyond dispute” (Stanley).
The NCAA is an organization that regulates college athletes and schools. It makes its money with ticket …show more content…

I come from a poor family, so having help and begin to be able to only worry about my studies and training sounds like a dream, which it kinda is. Paying college athletes have some cons, but I believe that all the students should be compensated for the amount of work being put by the athletes. If mistreating the system, students would no longer be paid. Even so, the NCAA doesn't see the use of paying the athletes, “They won’t give up their traditional—and now new—advantages in recruiting” (king). The NCAA won't be paying college athletes any time soon, the industry believes that athletes are already paid enough with their benefits and scholarships. But even with these benefits I truly believe that college athletes should get payment for the long hours spent in training and competing. The NCAA is more than capable of paying the athletes, especially with just part of the $6.2 billions that can be used to pay the

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