
The Pros And Cons Of The Maastricht Treaty

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As shown in table 1 the convergence criteria are very strict. Thus many member states could not fulfill all criterias during the period of the first and second stage, they needed financial support to ensure that the convergence criteria are fulfilled by all member states. 3.2 Political union Not only was a decision made to create the EMU but the governments of the member states also signed on creating a political union for “an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”. The discussion within the negotiations on the Maastricht Treaty focused on themes like the role of the European Parliament, establishing a European citizenship, the development of new common policies such as culture and interior affairs and the creation of a common foreign …show more content…

Problems of the Treaty Finally the Maastricht Treaty was signed in February 1992 but to enter into force the Treaty had to be ratified by each member state. This caused a delay from over a year with the result that it first became effective in November 1993. One reason for this delay was that Denmark first voted against the Treaty in a referendum in June 1992. The Treaty was only in the second referendum in May 1993 accepted by the Danish people because its government obtained an opt-out on the common defense policy and from the single currency. Even in France the referendum in favor of the Treaty only gained a small majority. Meanwhile in Germany the Treaty had to be tested for its legal consistency with the German constitutional rights. The UK, just like Denmark, only signed the Treaty after their opt-out from the single currency and from the social protocol were approved from the EC. However the problems of ratifying wasn’t the only negative impact on the appearance of the Maastricht Treaty. Due to the rise of the German interest rate to help attract money for the German unification other currencies were valued down. Italy and the UK both had to devaluate their currencies while the Bundesbank refused to help the sterling pound. Contrasting Germany did not refuse to help France as the franc began to struggle. This can be seen as a sign of the close relationship between Germany and France. The currency crisis and its economic impact led to a loss of confidence in the EMU and resulted in a decline of popular support for further European

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