
The Real Tragedy In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet: The Real Killer Romeo and Juliet is a story that involves many untimely deaths. Out of all the deaths Romeo and Juliet were the most important deaths out of the whole play. But who is left to blame for their deaths? Tybalt, Paris, and Mercutio; there is someone to blame for each of those deaths. Yet nobody is one hundred percent sure who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s suicide. Well, the answer to who led them might surprise you, as the people who were closest to them led them to their suicide. Two families who have a raging feud. A feud so strong they pushed their children to the brink of death. The Montagues and Capulets have had this big feud, which causes them to get into many fights; so much so that the prince said if they were to fight again one of them should be killed “…Three civil brawls bred …show more content…

Their families were equally respectable; a relative of the prince courted Juliet while Romeo was a friend with a relative of a prince. I’m sure Lord Capulet would have been fine with Juliet marrying Romeo due to the equal social class and the high respect that the Montague family has. Not only that but he knows Romeo is a kind person. He’s heard good things about Romeo: “…Verona brags of him to be a virtuous and well-governed youth…” (crower) Anger makes people blind and it’s the case for Lord Capulet. Lord Montague hasn’t been fleshed out enough to know his views on Romeo and Juliet but from what we have seems all Montagues and Capulets are hostile towards each other. So what’s with all this anger? Why don’t they just let the feud affect the people who were part of it instead of making their whole family go through it? Not only did this feud affect Romeo and Juliet but it also affected another Capulet, Tybalt, and someone else from a different family, Mercutio. They were both lead to death due to the feud. The feud is not the only thing that has led them to their

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