
Controversy On The Right To Keep And Bear Arms

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The Right to Keep and Bear Arms The right to keep and bear arms was considered a fundamental, individual right in the original 13 colonies from the pre-Revolutionary period through the ratification of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution in 1791. The Amendment states: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right to keep and bear arms has been a topic of extreme controversy in this century and can be argued equally from both sides. The first side says that it is our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. On the flip side, it is too dangerous and would increase the number of violent crimes. No matter which side is …show more content…

When this is compared to the rates of accidental deaths caused by something other than guns, it doesn't even come close. Accidental gun deaths ranked under every other category (motor vehicles, falls, poisoning by solids or liquids, drowning, fires and burns, and suffocation by swallowing an object) except for one; poisoning by gases or vapors. The closest accidental death to guns was suffocation by swallowing an object, which was still over twice the rate of guns at 3,300 deaths. (National Safety Council). As far as overall gun violence is concerned, according to the FBI's 1998 Uniform Crime Reports, the overall violent crime rate in the US decreased about 7%. Robbery alone declined by 11%, the lowest since 1969. In addition, murder dropped by 7%, the lowest since 1967. More significantly, despite the fact the number of firearms and handguns owned by individual Americans continued to increase from 1997-1998, the FBI also reported the rate of firearms used to commit murder and robberies decreased in 1998. (1998 Uniform Crime Reports). These facts conclusively prove that firearms owned by peaceable citizens do not lead to increased murder or violent crime rates. In fact, they demonstrate that armed citizens lead to reduced rates of violent crime. When the gun is in the hands of a well-rounded person, it is no more of a weapon than your every day curling iron. On the other hand, in 1988, handguns killed 7 people in Great Britain, 19 in Sweden, 53 in

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