
The Rise Of The War On The United States

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Following the conclusion of the 7 years war, the British Empire was faced with a complicated quagmire of how to not only reorganize the new empire, but how to pay off the debt accumulated during the war. Throughout the war Britain placed enormous pressure on the population of England in the form of taxes and sought to alleviate that pressure in the aftermath of the conflict. In order to achieve this the British government placed new taxes on their North American colonies in the form of the stamp act, the tea act etc. Furthermore, the British government also began to crack down on the high levels of smuggling that was being carried out by colonial merchants in violation of the navigation acts. This was highly unpopular in the colonies who began to protest what they saw as unjust taxation without representation. Moreover, a major desire of 18th century colonists was the desire for more land in the form of westward expansion; however, the British government made this impossible through the implementation of the proclamation act of 1763 which sought to avoid conflict with the Native Americans by prohibiting westward expansion through private transaction of land between the Natives and the Colonists. The inability to compromise on these issues would result in clashes between mother Britain and her colonies which would eventually culminate into an outright rebellion by the colonies against the mother country. The large debt accumulated by Britain led to the enforcement of

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