
The War That Made America

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America is the home of the free because of the brave. Most Americans know this to be true because of our current armed forces but more importantly our past. Our past militiamen and soldiers have gained us freedoms and homestead of our own religions, families, and the power to make our own decisions. Over the past few weeks I have read many different articles and a narrative by Fred Anderson, “The war that made America.”. Through all these things I’ve come to see how big of an impact our armies have made past and present. The thing people don’t take into consideration is that from the founding of Jamestown until 1785 the American colonial society was in a constant state of conflict.

The United States is a land that was created through war. To end a war we must have a solid army to defend the things we want to achieve. Whether its freedom from our fathering country’s or to show the power we have. Understanding how we have come to be from wars like the French and Indian war that sparked the beginning of the American revolution and the military culture and how the experience and significance of our country’s soldiers and militia men compared and brings us to our American military culture and the value’s of American thought, culture, and society. We would not have things like “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”, if it wasn’t for our great nations military force. A time period ranging from about 1755 to 1861 America has dealt with many trials and stipulations that

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