
The Supply Chain Of Walmart Essay

Better Essays

Research on the supply chain of Walmart
Carrefour chain in the European market
James Rock

A Research Project
Submitted to the Worldwide Campus
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
Of Course LGMT 685, the Management Science Course
For Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Degree

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
September 2016

Researcher: James Rock
Title: Carrefour chain in the European market
Institution: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Degree: Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Degree

Year: 2016

The Carrefour Group has developed to end up distinctly a standout amongst the most undisputed players in international distribution all around since its commencement in 1959. The organization has encountered huge development for the last 50 a long time to end up distinctly the main wholesaler and second biggest retail location in Europe. Carrefour has gone overall serving more than 30 countries while bragging 13443 stores in kind of business sectors. Carrefour is the pioneer of the worldwide retail industry managing in nourishment items and additionally non-sustenance items including electrical merchandise and interactive media products at alluring costs. The major working ranges for the hypermarket is in Europe, China, Argentina, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, North Africa and different parts of Asia. The Carrefour brand has turned out to be one of the signi?cant medium

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