
The Theme Of Tying Hamlet Into Modern Times In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Tying Hamlet into Modern Times In, or around the year 1600, the great poet/playwright William Shakespeare wrote a play called Hamlet. Hamlet is a play about a very dysfunctional royal family. Throughout the entire play, the family endures sudden loss, and has the invasion of corruptivity. The overwhelming corruptness of this family is so strong that at times it seems like the family will fall apart at any time. By the middle of the play, the main character Hamlet, acts insane, but towards the end of the play, there is the sudden realization that perhaps everyone is a little mad. We can easily tie this play into modern times by comparing it with the modern day corruptness, instability of certain families, and mental instability of the human mind. …show more content…

For starters, Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, was murdered by Hamlet’s uncle, or the king’s brother. The uncle, named Claudius, then took over the throne without anyone knowing. But, the king’s ghost came back and told Hamlet what exactly happened. That turned Hamlet into this mad machine to avenge his father’s death. He endures a ton of mental stress throughout the play, and commits murder. There is Hamlet’s love, Ophelia, that loses her father, Polonius, to a murder done by Hamlet. Ophelia then loses her mind and commits an apparent suicide by drowning herself. Modern times, it isn’t common, but it is yet very real, to suffer from depression. Depression is a slippery slope that could lead to suicide, like in Ophelia’s case. It also can make you lose your mind, like in Hamlet’s case. Common threads between this Shakespearean piece of literature and modern times can be intertwined quite easily with this mental instability

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