
The Things You Are Covered About Careers In Class

Decent Essays

This essay is about all the things we covered about careers in class. It is also going to be abe about how i see my future and what career i want. A resume is something you make in order to get a job. You write your experiences and skills. It helps by showing the boss of the job you're applying at the skills you have. I think job resumes are a good thing and a bad thing. I think it's a good thing because you can show all your past accomplishments and your experiences. I also think it's a bad thing because people can lie about so many things just to get a job. A cover letter is a letter that you send with your resume to wherever you are applying a job for. A cover letter just explaining why you would be the right person for the job and just introducing yourself. It's helpful by telling your (maybe) future boss a little about yourself, your background and why you …show more content…

I used want to be a professional dancer or a dance teacher. Then it would be like hair stylist, a doctor, lawyer, house designer, or fashion designer. I would personally love to be a fashion designer but it's a very difficult career to get somewhere. You have to be very god and get noticed by someone famous, if you get noticed by someone famous then you most likely made it but it's very difficult to get there. Another career i am interested in is a lawyer. But in order to be a lawyer you have to be ready to speak in front of a lot of people and be comfortable and confident with it. I get stage fright so i'm not sure being a lawyer is right for me. But on the other hand i argue very well. I believe you should do a career that you love and enjoy because if you don't and you don't enjoy your career your just gonna be miserable. It is important to have a job the pays well but it is just as important to have a job you

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