
The Three Levels Of Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture is an anthropological term that refers to the values, belief, norms and ways of doing things that are shared by the organizational members (Knights and Willmott, 2012). While Schein (1992) stated that there are three levels of culture. The first level is Surface manifestations, refers to cultural artefacts or observable culture which are the tangible phenomena such as traditions, ritual, technology, architecture, logos, heroes, myths, stories, and types of person employed represent the organizational culture. The other two less visible levels are Organizational Values refer to the belief about how things are done; and Basic assumptions are invisible, unconscious and taken for granted understanding held by individuals such as behaviour of human and the nature of reality (Schein, 1922). …show more content…

‘Has’ is the critical variable that can be managed while ‘Is’ is approximately difficult to manage or change and known as root metaphor (Smircich, 1983). Strong and weak culture are possible to differentiate, if most of the employees show response to the management surveys and have the same opinions about the organization’s values and missions means that the culture is strong but if the opinions differ extensively, then the culture is weak (Robbins and Judge,

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