
Examples Of Opposition In Romeo And Juliet

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Anna Scott 1/16/14 Period 6 An Instance of Opposition John Steinbeck once said, “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” Without the use of opposites, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet would just be another love story. By incorporating many different dualities into his writing, Shakespeare differentiates his readers the true emotions and identity of every single one of his characters. As Steinbeck compares Summer and Winter, he describes them in a way that show they depend on each other. Shakespeare creates The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by incorporating dualities between two opposites. This method enriches his story by adding specific character to the language and writing, allowing the audience …show more content…

He speaks to Romeo in a scornful manner because he believes that Romeo is too in love to see how truly lucky he is. Romeo is very wealthy, has found love, is intelligent, and has so much more time in his life. Friar Lawrence believes Romeo should be ashamed for his feelings of even considering taking his life. “Look you, she loved her kinsman Tybalt dearly, and so did I. Well, we were born to die.” (III.IV.3-4) Capulet describes the ways of life not always ending up correctly. With Tybalt dead, Capulet states that they were “born to die” like saying that events will happen that will be uncontrollable. With life and death being one of the most important dualities in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare includes many of his own views that nobody would even begin to imagine. These special gems hidden in the writing, add a different and more powerful effect to the piece. Shakespeare empowers both Romeo and Juliet by comparing love and hate throughout the story. Through these dualities comes forth an unbreakable bond of love, allowing the audience to truly appreciate the story and the complex comparisons between opposites. Juliet is taken aback when she finally figures out who Romeo is, "My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown and known too late." (I.IV.152) She realizes that she has fallen in love with the very person who she is

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