
The Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus

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Project subjects and Consent The treatment of diabetes is dependent on its type and its severity, insulin, exercise, and a diabetic diet is used to treat type 1 diabetes, whiles type 2 diabetes is initially controlled with weight loss, type 2 diabetic diet and physical activity; when these initiatives fail to balance elevated blood sugars, oral medications are prescribed and if that proves few futile then insulin and multiple injectable medications are introduced (Medicinenet2). One cannot prevent type 1 diabetes; however, one can prevent type 2 diabetes by sustaining a balanced weight and engaging in regular physical activity (Medicinenet2). I will conduct an investigation to determine whether Insulin used in the …show more content…

Another six days for entering and analyzing the data. The remaining time will be used to write the report about the project. The goal of the project is to find out if insulin is effective in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (ADA, 2014).

Resources Needed The project will require a lot of human capital and finance. Money will be needed to buy papers to prepare the questionnaires. I may have to pay people who participate in the project. I will be paying for their time and drugs used in the treatment of their diabetes disease. I may need to employ one or two research assistants to work on the project.

About the questionnaire The questionnaire that I hope to design will ask participants whether they have Type 1 Diabetes or not. The questionnaire will also ask about the drugs the participants used for the treatment of their diabetes. One of the questions that would be asked is whether insulin injection is effective in the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes? I will also ask some demographic information such as the age, gender, racial and ethnicity of participants, age of diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes, dosage of insulin taken each time, what is used for urine and blood testing, and complication of diabetes that the participants have experienced (ADA, 2014).

Process of delivery The questionnaire will be administered at the same time to all subjects participating in the project. Before the

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