
The United Nations

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Around the time of November 2013 the United States received reports of a possible war threat from North Korea with nuclear weapons they posses. Sources say they are working on a KN-08 missile, an intercontinental range weapon which has the potential threat to target America. Russia on March 2014 threaten Ukrainian forces with a full-scale attack towards their country, if they refuse to lower their weapons and surrender for the take over of Crimea. Since in 1991, the Soviet Union went to a complete collapse, Russia began efforts to claiming the island Crimea from Ukraine, as part of their country once again. Iran which is one of the most disliked country in the world, has its extreme hatred for mainly the United States and Israel. In the …show more content…

The economic and social council hold most responsibility for the UN's World Food Program that was founded in 1961, this had great success on providing food for people in need such as war zones, poor countries, and natural disasters. They also had major achievements in the protection of children due to the United Children's Fund also known as UNICEF, which protects the rights of children around the globe. In an estimate, ninety million children's lives have been saved within two decades because of this organization. So without the establishment of the United Nations, many of the great things that has happened so far cause of their involvement globally would not exist today. If someone would attempt to determine the amount of success the United Nations has had, the main factors would be the amount of publicity, followers, and strength. Why these factor? Because how will an idea be into action if no one knows about it, and how will you spread the idea unless you have a significant amount of followers helping you spread the idea. Then comes strength, you need a strong idea that has great outcomes in order to make a difference. Strong organizations increase and increase with followers and have a lot of publicity because of all the ideas that were set into action that became a success in making a difference in the world.

“Traditional peacekeeping operations do not enforce

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