
The United States Is Ill Prepared For Cyberwarfare

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The United States is Ill Prepared for Cyberwarfare Nuclear silos launching warheads. Power plants exploding. Water systems contaminated. Currency devalued and locked away. Vehicles simultaneously going haywire all at once. That could be just the first 10 minutes of reports simultaneously reaching the President of the United States. How could all of these disasters happen? Simply put, all of these scenarios involve components which rely on the use of cyberspace. While citizens of the United States have been increasing our dependence on the use of computer systems in all walks of life, we citizens have been becoming systematically and increasingly more exposed to the possibilities of cyberattacks and by extension all out cyberwarfare. Is …show more content…

By United States, I mean our country. As a product of my generation, however, I envision our country as being the leader of the free world though. So it follows that I conclude it is also important to recognize that a leader must set the standard by which they wish to lead. Therefore, if the United States fails, the free world fails. Likewise, when any single piece of free world fails, then by extension, it can be reasoned that the United States has failed in its leadership. When I say the United States is ill prepared for cyberwarfare, I am not only speaking solely to attack directly against our nation alone. I am also referring to our standing as leader of the free world, which no doubt is weakened any time one piece of the free world is weakened or vulnerable to threat exposure.
By using the term ill prepared, I aim to convey that the United States is not equipped with enough protection to prevent every possible instance of the threat of cyberwarfare from occurring. I propose we are not where our nation should be in terms of dealing with all actual occurrences of the threat of cyberwarfare, were it to be fully realized. This can be carried over into our response capability to any such attack, which may manifest in many forms. For example, our response against perpetrators and those who aid or comfort

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