
The Values Based On Interest

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The Values Based in Interest Throughout the negotiating process one may get emotional, however they should take that energy and use it to develop as many great Alternatives as possible. By doing so they empower themselves as well as create more opportunities for every stakeholders ' interest to be satisfactorily served. In Preparation: As we drew closer to the day of our final negotiation, I came to fully understand and appreciate that the problems we were tasked with addressing were inextricably snared in the toils of ideology. Over the weeks of rereading the course texts, and revisiting my lecture notes, I subtly arrived at the conclusion that in a negotiation aimed at resolving conflicts centered on profoundly intimate systems of …show more content…

Moreover, Deikman asserts that sometimes we perceive our emotional reactions as representations of our true self because they are so powerful as to be felt reverberating through our entire body, and beyond our ability to control. This suggests these experiences are more at the core of our being, as well as completely reflecting the personal beliefs that are most important to us (Deikman, 1983, p.93). Thus, as I worked at reconciling my previous experiences with my expectations for the last values based negotiation. I did not expect there to be any real opportunities for the two parties to come together based on shared interest. Not to say that I would not try to promote a discourse predicated on the value to be reaped by both parties, via an interest centered agenda. But, for this potentially emotionally charged meeting, I had a few lessons to incorporate, which I had advantageously gleaned during the semester. For instance, I knew the power of values, which are steeped in emotions, which posed a challenge to my standard strategically controlled manner of trying to engage the pro-interest, versus positional process. Consequently, assessing outcomes in an objective manner, can become difficult, and in the worst situations seemingly impossible. This realization also

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